As I sit at my kitchen table this is the view that caught my eye. Fall is tied as my second favorite season with Spring, following summer in the lead. I admit I get awe struck when the leaves begin to change and the artistic beauty God gives us to behold. The words in my head immediately were a verse from 2 Corinthians ….”old things are passed away, behold all things become new”.
The color change we see in leaves means they will soon be passed away in preparation for the new to come. It doesn’t happen right away, it takes time. As I look at my life right now it simply feels like I have dealt with more loss of people and things than one should in my 52 years. If you know me well, you already know my story, but this isn’t a boo hoo moment, and not really about me. I could choose to focus my life on the loss or what has fallen away in my life, but Id rather focus on the growth. Id rather focus on the healing, I’d rather focus on Gods provision and promises, that He is still batting 1000 on in my life. It may look different than Id ever imagined but He’s done all He said He would do in His timing and not mine.
I took communion at my kitchen table this morning even before the sun rose because I wanted to be reminded and thank God for His sacrifice so that I could live a life of freedom in Him. That doesn’t mean its without pain but it means no matter what circumstances occur, He’s got me.
The scenery we see happen before us this Fall, is a visual of His promise to make all things new. We may grieve the old things…whatever that looks like for you. Its normal to grieve, and you should. In some ways you will always grieve in some way regardless of time or distance. New things however, are coming. He knows our deepest desires. He knows the plans He has for you. Plans are for a hope and future. In order to move forward we must make peace with our yesterdays. You don’t have to like what occurred but we have to make peace with it, otherwise we will never recognize the New He speaks of. when He decides to reveal it.
As seasons change in your life or as leaves fall away, thank Him in advance for the NEW thats coming, the NEW that is promised. He made the ultimate sacrifice so that it could. ❤️ Blessings.
Wrote a song about it years ago that Ive recently been reminded of called “You Make All Things New”