We are like the feather as we travel through life. We may spend some time in valleys for a bit, but when we trust God to carry us forward we overcome and will find ourselves mountaintop, then valley, and again mountaintop, but we keep moving forward as we trust the One who carries us, like a gentle breeze, through each obstacle.
I never did take a picture of the feather, so after returning home, I was looking for one to use, I came across some other interesting things about white feathers that touched my soul.
“The discovery of a white feather is often taken to be an omen that angels are near. While there’s never any clear answer, many people believe these feathers indicate the presence or proximity of celestial beings and their divine guidance in our lives. The significance of these spiritual symbols can vary depending on where they show up but we know that certain meanings may include: purity, protection, love, and guidance coming into your life right now which makes them worth noticing when they appear unexpectedly! While white feather meanings can vary from person to person or culture to culture, most believe that finding one means you’re being protected both physically and mentally–and it’s a beautiful reminder of how divine love works its way into all things when we least expect it! Feathers can best be understood by considering the source from where they came, which is a bird. Birds are highly tuned into spiritual energies and influenced by messages that heaven wishes to pass on earth; so we may understand its gifts and knowledge through higher attainments of inner truth in mental pursuits regarding such topics as spirituality or religious practices.
“A feather comes down like dew-gathering light upon my brow; And gives new life unto reason’s dying withered state: For here, at last, resides all intelligence divine As sacred wisdom flowing freely forth anew From Him who rules above us with unchallenged reign.”
In symbolism white feathers represent a higher power or divine guidance, and finding one is often thought to be a good omen. In the Christian faith, these white feather meanings are associated with angels watching over us; while in other cultures, they signify protection from your guardian spirit beings!
So if you find yourself seeing white bird symbols take comfort as it simply means that there’s always something positive coming into your life at this time–and what better gift than love? Not just any kind of love but heavenly messages which tell us we’re never alone through troubled times because heaven will always watch over those who trust in its caring nature!”
(Credit: Richard Alois)
I realize people can write whatever they want….I mean, if you’re reading this, youve taken a moment to read my perspective. The truth in my life is that I trust Gods word in my heart. I know His Word and promises alone to be true. I know how He speaks to my soul. He can use all things….a feather, a picture, and a random writing from an author whose heart I don’t know, to convey and confirm the message He download to me hours before. The message of reminding us that He is in control. The message that we are not alone and He is carrying us through all the hills and valleys as He helps us to press forward on this journey of life. May you be reminded of that on this day. Blessings.