When life throws you lemons you sip lemonade, but you do it at the beach because it makes it less tart, at least for the moment. Thats my recipe anyway. After soaking in some sun, doing some wave therapy, seeing a dear college friend and her family, I walked along the pier today with my dearest friend. Its been a season of heart ache, disappointment, sadness and hurt for so many. God often grabs my attention and speaks to me with things in nature, or regular every day events. Sometimes when He does it, those things blaze about like a neon sign to my soul. The moment I saw these was one of those moments. It grabbed me so much that I stopped to grab a snapshot of them and knew Id be writing about it as did my friend from the side smirk I caught, when snapping the odd and random photo. This is what it spoke to me.
Even in the hardest of places. Places that are hard, cold, rough, cracked, broken, where it feels like there no hope, just seemingly relentless crashing waves at times….God can still bring forth new life and healing. God will still work all things together for our good. Sometimes He causes you to sprout and grow and stand in uncomfortable places…we just have to keep our eyes toward the Son and trust His plan even when, especially when it doesn’t make sense. His love, His promises still conquer all. May this simple picture encourage you as much as it did me. Blessings