As I studied, I was also reminded of how we learn things in school sometimes, with song. We used singing to learn the alphabet, our states, and even the constitution. For all your School House Rock fans from back in the day...remember learning about verbs, nouns, interjections etc.... from all those great School House Rock cartoons and songs. I can still sing many of them by heart. Singing sure does something powerful doesn't it? Its a great tool for our memory. I often find myself in my own classroom, sing-songing to my kids to get across a point I want them to remember.
Deuteronomy 31 tells us of a time when God told His people to write a song so that they could remember a particular time.
Colossians 3:16 says "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Twice we are commanded to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. One reason is, singing develops remembering.
God doesn't only tell us to praise Him, but to sing His praises. There is power in our song! There is power in worship!
I am reminded of a time several months ago, when I was praying for my best friend over a situation. When I was done praying, the Lord brought to mind a song I remember learning and singing as a kid. "My God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING my GOD cannot do!" I had not thought of that song in years...but BAM, there it was. I shared that moment with my friend and I remember him telling me that it made Him smile and gave peace, as it was a good reminder of who our God is. ;)
Psalm 96:1 Sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
The science geek in me who loves and has a degree in health, loved to think about what it does to the body chemistry. Researchers have discovered that singing is like a tranquilizer, the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirits.
That peaceful feeling may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing, which is associated with feelings of pleasure. Or it might be from oxytocin, another hormone released during singing. This hormone has been found to alleviate anxiety and stress. It also enhances feelings of trust. In other words, singing reduces depression and lifts our spirits! And it helps us trust. Could this be another reason God tells us to sing?
Furthermore, the benefits of singing regularly seem to be cumulative. People who sing often have lower stress levels. They have better heart rates. Studies have shown that singing, and group singing, relieves anxiety and adds to our quality of life. That alone is reason to sing.
Lets, however, look at it on a deeper level. How much more healing would it be to WORSHIP!!?
Anyone who knows my heart, even a little bit, KNOWS that I am crazy about worship. There are so many ways people look at worship, but let me clarify one thing. Worship is not just merely singing. Worship is something that truly comes from the heart and its a reflection of what is truly in the heart. To sing is not always done in worship. Some people will attempt to worship with the heart agenda of proving who THEY are. Worship is not about proving who YOU are, it's completely 100% about proving who GOD is. If the agenda is anything different, its not pure worship...its just singing.
I am reminded of the many times I have found myself in a stressful situation. I am always drawn to worship. I used to think it was my way of holding on to my peace. I am finding out, it was not my way at all. It was Gods way, all along. He was and is helping me to maintain peace in stressful situations,with the power of song, the power of WORSHIP! More and more we see scientist discovering what God has known all along.
Worship is beneficial to us. Worship helps our faith. It helps our heart. It aids in healing. It helps us remember His Word, and His promises, and that He holds us in the palm of His hand. Worship is powerful. Today, sing to the Lord a new song!
My beautiful and close friend Taylor, doing what God has gifted her to do in leading pure worship.