Isaiah 43:18-21

Isaiah 42:18-21

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, now I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise."

"Jennifer Hock is a gifted speaker with an amazing and unique style of communication. Jennifer is a fabulous story teller, using her years of experience as a teacher & coach, her own personal life experiences, and everyday life situations, to convey the incredible love of God and His gift of grace, and mercy toward us.
Her greatest desire is to be REAL and to lead and encourage others to understand just how much God desires to have an intimate relationship with us, as well as the understanding of just how much the love of God can impact change in our lives to walk in the calling He has on your life." - A. Smith

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wear Your Own Shoes

  This morning I had a great conversation with my youngest on the way
to school.  She is struggling with feeling like she isn’t enough at times.
She is forever comparing herself with her older sisters
accomplishments.  Her sister who just graduated and busted her tail,
was a top honored multi-sport athlete, 4th in her grad class,
academic high honors, class VP, worship leader, and was a
quiet leader of sorts.  Every inch of what she accomplished,
she worked her tail off to earn. My youngest, who is 6 years
younger is comparing her life to her sisters regardless of the
difference in their ages. I have tried desperately to explain
that comparison is a TRAP.  We’ve had the conversation of
how sometimes God uses us a doors and some seasons we are
the hinges of those noticed doors, and in the majority of seasons,
we are hinges and need to be content with that if that is what
God’s plan is. How God gives us all gifts and talents specific
for us to be used in the plan that HE has for OUR lives, we
can’t compare ourselves with the gifts and talents the He
gives others intent for the plan He has on THEIR lives.
I used the scenario of my two co-workers Cory and Shelley.
 I explained that we are all doing the same job for 3 different
halls in my building and for one part of the day we all work together.
 I shared with her that both of them are gifted and talented in
their own ways and have areas they are strong in. I shared with
her that we work well together because we respect and appreciate
one anothers uniqueness and giftings. We use our differences to
learn from one another and share ideas with each other.
 If I sat and compared myself to both of them and where I lack,
that self conversation would not turn out well - comparison is
nothing other than a trap. . I am not meant to be them and they
are not meant to be me, but together we are an awesome team
complimenting one another’s strengths.
She said, well “My sister left big shoes to fill”, and my
comment back to her was “You are not meant to fill her shoes,
you are only meant to fill your own shoes.”
I don’t think her feelings are far off from many people who battle this.
 I, this year with my new job, took the place of a lady who I am
certain was an amazing teacher, and I applaud that - its awesome.
 I will never be her, I am not meant to be. God wanted me here,
evidently, to use whatever I have to offer in this season.
I am not here to fill her shoes...she took her shoes with her.
 I am meant to be wearing my own and walking out God’s plans
with them.
 When I hear kids singing songs sometimes it makes me laugh.
 One time I asked a girl why she was singing the song THAT
particular way.  I could tell by the way she was singing that it
was not natural for her.  She stated that it was because
that was how _(insert famous person)_sang it.
I said “Girl, do YOU!!  Sing the song, but DO YOU!!
Stop trying to be anyone else BUT YOU!!” She seemed to just
relax and smiled real big.  I think often we need reminders that
it is OK to be ourselves. Almost like we need permission.
If God wanted you to be anyone else he would have made you them.
 He needs YOU!! He needs the gifts and talents He gave
YOU to be used for His plan and nothing more or less.
Comparison is a trap….it’s a losing game. You will
never measure up to something you were never supposed to
compare yourself with.  
When flowers bloom, they don’t pay any attention to the one
next to them, they just bloom looking toward the sun. We also
need to bloom, looking toward the Son.
Don’t even try to fill shoes of someone else because they
weren’t made for you.  He loved you enough to give you your
own pair of shoes… walk it out and thank Him for
His provision over your life and ask Him where He needs you
or what He wants you to do...He won’t fail you.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Have You Been Wounded?

     This morning, before anyone else was awake, I some how cut my toe and took some skin off.  It bled briefly but I quickly had it under control but it was sore. I still have no idea how I did it.
 Today we decided to go to the state park and do some kayaking at the lake.  I honestly didn't think about my toe until it hit the lake and by then it was too late.  I just figured I would clean it out when I got home and that is exactly what I did.  On the way home I was thinking about what I would need to do to clean it out and God got me thinking about wounds.  Thinking about how we can acquire them at times that catch us completely off guard.  We can do our best to take every precaution but that doesn't mean you will never get wounded in your life.  Sometimes its not what you do or don't do, but what someone else does.  
Regardless of how the wound occurs, its important to get it cleaned out immediately.  If we don't do that, the wound can begin to try and heal, but infection could occur much more easily.  Also, if we wait to try and clean it out, the flushing of cleaning can be much more painful than it would have been had we attended to it right away.  Cleaning means exposing it right away, acknowledging it for what it is... a wound, an injury. Its important to assess the type of wound it is, to determine its depth and what is necessary to get it properly cleaned out, and then treated correctly.  If we ignore any of the above failure to heal properly could occur along with an infection.
So often when we are wounded, we put on a mask leading others to believe that we are fine.  We hide our wounds for fear of embarrassment, or for fear that we may look weak, or for fear of exposure.  Sometimes we don't ask for help or assistance in cleansing or dressing a wound for the same reasons.  We would much rather attempt it ourselves, still risking infection than to admit to anyone that we are struggling.  Sometimes we chase after people or things to try to heal the wound, things that aren't meant to heal or "clean", but seem like a good distraction to ignore that the wound and its pain are even there.  Its temporary. Eventually the wound will HAVE to be tended to.   The longer we go trying to hide it without proper treatment, or try to use other things to distract us from the wound, the worse the infection could get, festering, stealing from us the life of freedom that God intended for us to live.
To properly tend to and cleanse and dress the wound, it has to be exposed.  We have to acknowledge that the wound it self exists, and acknowledge that we may need assistance.  This is not always easy to do and can be incredibly painful and make you feel incredibly vulnerable. Its then possible that we have to also acknowledge that the lack of proper immediate care and the damage it has caused, so it too can be cleansed and addressed.  Often people become so used to their wound that they just become accustomed to it, they make excuses for it as they justify having it.  The wound becomes their identity in some instances.  This does not mean that infection is not occurring, they are just become desensitized to its affects.
Infection, if it sets in, will filter through the body slowly poisoning it. Its much like the root of bitterness taking hold after "injury" and robbing you of the life God intended and instead filtering in fear, anger, distrust, hate, discontentment etc..... into your life.  

Bitterness is what can happen when we choose to dwell on our wounds. Maybe we get into the habit of picturing the one who wounded us and imagining all sorts of bad things we would enjoy seeing come upon that person as payback. Bitterness can even lead to a desire for personal revenge.  
Deep wounds will never be healed if we let ourselves become bitter. In bitterness we want to spread the hurt. Share it with the ones who hurt us. But we do so at the expense of leaving our own wounds untended.  If we allow bitterness to take root, it can poison the rest of your life. 

Ephesians 4:31 says, Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger…

     Forgiveness is difficult when we’ve been hurt badly. The last thing we may want to do is forgive. But remember we’re talking about the healing of deep wounds. And deep wounds require serious treatment.  
Some people think forgiving is simply forgetting. It’s not. It is because of deep wounds are not forgotten that forgiveness needs to occur. Other people think forgiveness minimizes the hurt. Almost as though saying, “I forgive you,” gives the person the right to hurt us again. It doesn’t. It is because of the seriousness of the hurt that forgiveness needs to occur. Forgiveness and prosecution are not mutually exclusive.
The key to forgiveness is to understand how much we have been forgiven by God. Each of us have offended God in a major way because of our sins. But He sent Jesus to give us a way to be reunited with Him. Having faith in what Jesus did for us and accepting his grace, we are forgiven. God has taken leave of our sins in Jesus, so we too should let go of the sins committed against us.

Colossians 3:13  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

     A deep wound will always stay open if we are unable to forgive. Do you have someone in your life you’ve sworn you’d never forgive? I know that I struggled with this until just a few years ago. Think that over again in your own life.  I know that some of you may be thinking, "but you have no idea what was done to me and how bad it was".  You are right, I don't, I'm not you.  I am not minimizing your wound, its pain or what proper dressing is needed for proper healing, but I can tell you that FORGIVENESS is key in healing. I am simply saying, with God’s help, take a step toward forgiveness. He’s the expert on the matter.
Keep in mind that God never puts a stamp of approval on evil and sin. I think of the story of Joseph after his brothers meant harm to him.  He was thrown in a pit, imprisoned etc... lots of unnecessary wrong and mistreatment still.....  had this to say in Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

     Many times we don’t know what God wants to do in our lives until after the fact. If you’re going through a deep wounding right now, or you have in the past, before you give up on God, consider what greater purpose He might have for you. He is in the process of bringing out great possibilities through your experiences.
He did that in Joseph’s life, and He’ll do it in yours. Believe in His greater purpose.
I'm pretty sure that in the midst of our wounds occurring we probably aren't able to see the whole big picture of Gods overall plan for our lives, because all we are thinking about is being wounded. Right?! 
In Josephs situation in Genesis, he believed the promise that God would never leave him. So because of that, he didn’t have to have an explanation for each of the trials he faced. He had hope in the midst of the unknown.
If you’re suffering from a deep wound, let me read to you some of God’s clear promises out of
 Romans 8
18 – Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later.
28 – And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
31 – If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
37 – No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

     It's so important to address wounds in our lives as soon as possible so that we can live a life of freedom through Christ, walking the path of peace that God intends for our lives.
I don’t know what deep wound there might be in your life. But I do know that God is with you in the midst of it. And His promises will bring you healing in a way searching for an explanation never can.
Please consider exposing the wounds you have encountered in your life and ask yourself if you need to guard against bitterness?  Is it possible that you need to work toward forgiveness?  Do you need help to see the greater purpose in your pain?  Do you need to live by promises more than explanations? 
God IS the Ultimate Physician and can cleanse and heal any broken place if you are willing to expose it to Him.  He is already aware its there, but He wants your heart to be ready to bring it all to Him for complete cleansing and proper dressing.  Blessings