This morning I had a great conversation with my youngest on the way
to school. She is struggling with feeling like she isn’t enough at times.
She is forever comparing herself with her older sisters
accomplishments. Her sister who just graduated and busted her tail,
was a top honored multi-sport athlete, 4th in her grad class,
academic high honors, class VP, worship leader, and was a
quiet leader of sorts. Every inch of what she accomplished,
she worked her tail off to earn. My youngest, who is 6 years
younger is comparing her life to her sisters regardless of the
difference in their ages. I have tried desperately to explain
that comparison is a TRAP. We’ve had the conversation of
how sometimes God uses us a doors and some seasons we are
the hinges of those noticed doors, and in the majority of seasons,
we are hinges and need to be content with that if that is what
God’s plan is. How God gives us all gifts and talents specific
for us to be used in the plan that HE has for OUR lives, we
can’t compare ourselves with the gifts and talents the He
gives others intent for the plan He has on THEIR lives.
to school. She is struggling with feeling like she isn’t enough at times.
She is forever comparing herself with her older sisters
accomplishments. Her sister who just graduated and busted her tail,
was a top honored multi-sport athlete, 4th in her grad class,
academic high honors, class VP, worship leader, and was a
quiet leader of sorts. Every inch of what she accomplished,
she worked her tail off to earn. My youngest, who is 6 years
younger is comparing her life to her sisters regardless of the
difference in their ages. I have tried desperately to explain
that comparison is a TRAP. We’ve had the conversation of
how sometimes God uses us a doors and some seasons we are
the hinges of those noticed doors, and in the majority of seasons,
we are hinges and need to be content with that if that is what
God’s plan is. How God gives us all gifts and talents specific
for us to be used in the plan that HE has for OUR lives, we
can’t compare ourselves with the gifts and talents the He
gives others intent for the plan He has on THEIR lives.
I used the scenario of my two co-workers Cory and Shelley.
I explained that we are all doing the same job for 3 different
halls in my building and for one part of the day we all work together.
I shared with her that both of them are gifted and talented in
their own ways and have areas they are strong in. I shared with
her that we work well together because we respect and appreciate
one anothers uniqueness and giftings. We use our differences to
learn from one another and share ideas with each other.
If I sat and compared myself to both of them and where I lack,
that self conversation would not turn out well - comparison is
nothing other than a trap. . I am not meant to be them and they
are not meant to be me, but together we are an awesome team
complimenting one another’s strengths.
I explained that we are all doing the same job for 3 different
halls in my building and for one part of the day we all work together.
I shared with her that both of them are gifted and talented in
their own ways and have areas they are strong in. I shared with
her that we work well together because we respect and appreciate
one anothers uniqueness and giftings. We use our differences to
learn from one another and share ideas with each other.
If I sat and compared myself to both of them and where I lack,
that self conversation would not turn out well - comparison is
nothing other than a trap. . I am not meant to be them and they
are not meant to be me, but together we are an awesome team
complimenting one another’s strengths.
She said, well “My sister left big shoes to fill”, and my
comment back to her was “You are not meant to fill her shoes,
you are only meant to fill your own shoes.”
comment back to her was “You are not meant to fill her shoes,
you are only meant to fill your own shoes.”
I don’t think her feelings are far off from many people who battle this.
I, this year with my new job, took the place of a lady who I am
certain was an amazing teacher, and I applaud that - its awesome.
I will never be her, I am not meant to be. God wanted me here,
evidently, to use whatever I have to offer in this season.
I am not here to fill her shoes...she took her shoes with her.
I am meant to be wearing my own and walking out God’s plans
with them.
I, this year with my new job, took the place of a lady who I am
certain was an amazing teacher, and I applaud that - its awesome.
I will never be her, I am not meant to be. God wanted me here,
evidently, to use whatever I have to offer in this season.
I am not here to fill her shoes...she took her shoes with her.
I am meant to be wearing my own and walking out God’s plans
with them.
When I hear kids singing songs sometimes it makes me laugh.
One time I asked a girl why she was singing the song THAT
particular way. I could tell by the way she was singing that it
was not natural for her. She stated that it was because
that was how _(insert famous person)_sang it.
I said “Girl, do YOU!! Sing the song, but DO YOU!!
Stop trying to be anyone else BUT YOU!!” She seemed to just
relax and smiled real big. I think often we need reminders that
it is OK to be ourselves. Almost like we need permission.
If God wanted you to be anyone else he would have made you them.
He needs YOU!! He needs the gifts and talents He gave
YOU to be used for His plan and nothing more or less.
Comparison is a trap….it’s a losing game. You will
never measure up to something you were never supposed to
compare yourself with.
One time I asked a girl why she was singing the song THAT
particular way. I could tell by the way she was singing that it
was not natural for her. She stated that it was because
that was how _(insert famous person)_sang it.
I said “Girl, do YOU!! Sing the song, but DO YOU!!
Stop trying to be anyone else BUT YOU!!” She seemed to just
relax and smiled real big. I think often we need reminders that
it is OK to be ourselves. Almost like we need permission.
If God wanted you to be anyone else he would have made you them.
He needs YOU!! He needs the gifts and talents He gave
YOU to be used for His plan and nothing more or less.
Comparison is a trap….it’s a losing game. You will
never measure up to something you were never supposed to
compare yourself with.
When flowers bloom, they don’t pay any attention to the one
next to them, they just bloom looking toward the sun. We also
need to bloom, looking toward the Son.
next to them, they just bloom looking toward the sun. We also
need to bloom, looking toward the Son.
Don’t even try to fill shoes of someone else because they
weren’t made for you. He loved you enough to give you your
own pair of shoes… walk it out and thank Him for
His provision over your life and ask Him where He needs you
or what He wants you to do...He won’t fail you.
weren’t made for you. He loved you enough to give you your
own pair of shoes… walk it out and thank Him for
His provision over your life and ask Him where He needs you
or what He wants you to do...He won’t fail you.