I'm not a "rescue mom". I'm a full believer to let consequences fall when a child doesn't follow through on their end of the deal. Although it's hard, that is how they learn. Today, however, one has to make the determination between still allowing consequences to fall but also knowing when to take a time out, to hold her and wipe the tears, and helping her recognize and stop the noise, helping her refocus when her world feels like it's caving in from her perspective. I know it's not, but from her 4th grade perception, that's what it feels like....and everyone's perception counts. So I've stopped my schedule and what I'd had planned and taken time to do just that. What a difference it's made as she was able to gain perspective, learn and walk it out.
I've felt this way very recently....like the walls were closing in. I've cried a lot in the last couple months and have become frustratingly impatient for God to move....even angry..yep I said it. Angry to the point of feeling it start to seep in like poison to my soul. Thank God for my best friends who aren't afraid to call me out. Ive had to take a step back and examine my heart and clear my head, and shut my mouth more so than normal (a work in progress). And there is God in all His fullness and glory ready to hold me, wipe my tears....knowing what my world looks like from my perception...but seeing the fullness of it from His. Reminding me of His promises, helping me refocus, and helping me recognize and stop the noise. To take back what the enemy was trying to get his grubby little mitts on. To show me where I had misplaced and stuffed away my joy. To show me how to get it right. A work in progress.
He didn't even have to rearrange His schedule....I am His schedule. All I had to do was STOP and crawl up in His lap and focus on His beating heart. Nothing else matters when you can focus on that. When He becomes your focus, everything else falls into rhythm. God is good.