After years of not racing, some health issues, and just getting older (with the adding of extra pounds), and by the urging of my oldest daughter, I ran my first 5k in many years. I was not ready physically but have been slowly heading in that direction. I joking say, I was "in shape"....but my own distinct shape, not so much considered athletic any longer, but have been working to change that. She, on the other hand, is in incredible shape and is a gifted athlete....oh how I miss those days for myself and hope to get them back to the level that I can at this point in my life. I am a determined girl, always have been, but as I get older, its been harder physically for obvious reasons, but I will. I'm also an encourager, and have tried hard to impress the importance of being an encourager to my own children. Little did I know that it would play a huge role in my own race this morning. My goals for this race were simple: 1. to encourage my daughter to run ahead and do the very best she could and not wait for me. 2. to finish, 3. to not be last, and 4. not to die. :) All goals were accomplished, but not without a struggle.
My daughter is nearly 15, and not long after her Daddy died I started running as an adult. Part of it was a way of dealing with stress, to get back into shape, and to give me a focus for ME. I remember my first 5k was when Kennedy was nearly 4 and I pushed her in a jogging stroller, then the next year at nearly 5 she ran with me. Part of the way she was able to run and I encouraged her to go as far as she could, some of it however she just couldn't do it, so I put her "piggy back" on my back and we kept plugging along...yep, back then I could do that.
Today was so unique for me, so many memories of doing this race before, but things were so different. Today I encouraged her to go ahead without me. I KNOW the genes that girl has and I KNOW her giftings of what she can do athletically, I've had the privilege of being her coach for all of her athletic years so far. Shes an athletic beast. I knew she would do well. Our plan was for her to call me when she was done, so I had my phone and my bluetooth in my ear. When my phone rang as I was running I was at the 2 mile mark and had just finished the "Hill from Hell". Those who ran, KNOW the hill I speak of. My out of shape legs were crying out, I really wasn't sure how I was going to finish, but when my phone rang and I heard her say "she was done", it motivated me to keep going, because I knew she would be waiting at the end of the race. A few second later she text me "You can do it Mom!!" I thought of how our tables had turned and how it was now HER cheering ME on to keep going as far as I could. It wasn't long before I had my eye on the Golden Dome of Notre Dame, and I knew the finish line had to be close. I could not see the finish line, my legs were on fire and honestly I was spent, but I KNEW I had to keep going and that soon I would see it. The Lord in our relationship and the way He speaks to me, of course, took an opportunity and had to remind me at that very moment, of how even though we cannot see the finish line, we KNOW where He is calling us, and what He is calling us to do. We may feel spent, tired, and very unsure of just how we are gonna make it...and we still cant see the finish line, but He knows where its at. In His own way He sends us encouragement. He may even use people in your life, to tell us "you can do it!!" and tells us to keep going....but we have to keep our eyes fixed on Him and on the goal.
It wasn't long after he "downloaded" those thoughts into my head and I smiled, because He uses moments in my life to do just that, is when I saw the finish line in sight. Id like to say that I ran with all my might, but to be honest, I stayed steady at my same pace focusing on not slowing down, not getting distracted by all the "hullabaloo" at the finish line, but to stay focused on the goal. It was tough for me, I aint gonna lie, but I was glad I did it, and I will do it again.
The Lord, no doubt, has set something before you that you are just not sure HOW you are going to do it, or how its going to come about. Let me encourage you today to keep running, and even though you cant see the finish line, He can. Even though you feel spent, tired and unsure of how you are going to get to where He is taking you, keep your eyes on the prize and focused on Him. May the Lord bless you.
Isaiah 43:18-21
Isaiah 42:18-21
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, now I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise."
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, now I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise."
"Jennifer Hock is a gifted speaker with an amazing and unique style of communication. Jennifer is a fabulous story teller, using her years of experience as a teacher & coach, her own personal life experiences, and everyday life situations, to convey the incredible love of God and His gift of grace, and mercy toward us.
Her greatest desire is to be REAL and to lead and encourage others to understand just how much God desires to have an intimate relationship with us, as well as the understanding of just how much the love of God can impact change in our lives to walk in the calling He has on your life." - A. Smith